Welfare Line
>> Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Can anyone point me to the end of the welfare line? Do I have to get a wrist band or do I just camp out? I want to get a good spot in line when they "redistribute the wealth" of our great nation. Why not take money from the working class and subsidize the existence of the "poor and downtrodden"? Seems like a brilliant idea! I'm from a poor and downtrodden family, shouldn't we be rewarded for striving to improve ourselves socioeconomically?
The messiah's health care seems like a great idea. Hip hip hooray! Everyone is covered and everyone is happy! Hmm, initial estimates are that implementing this plan would cost upwards of 60 billion. What are the annual costs going to be to maintain this coverage? Is there a cap on how much will be spent? What's going to stop people from merely paying their premiums only when they know they have a catastrophic medical issue?
Obama is not our lord and savior. He is not going to absolve us of all sin. Do you suckers really think he is going to snap his finger and all of our poor personal decisions are going to magically disappear? We should take responsibility for our own actions. Fuck you to all the "get rich quick" house flippers. Fuck you to people living beyond your means. I have a decent job and have a cheap car and live at my folks house. Why? Is it because Mama Nguyen does my laundry and keeps the evil girls away? No, it's because I have a shit load of student loan debt. It's called knowing your limits. Learn some fiscal responsibility people. Lets not declare bankruptcy and put our personal mistakes upon somebody else. Be a minimalist if you need to. You don't need a fancy car, a fancy phone or a fancy house. Make do with what you have. Santa is our Lord and Savior. He knows who's been naughty and who's been nice.
I agree with taking responsibility for your actions 100% and I do not the government is responsible to make everything better. However, I do believe in a nation of people helping each other and serving each other. I also believe in leadership, and I think our nation is in desperate need of a strong leader that will inspire people to do all those things you blogged about and make our nation stronger!
Also, you now how a adult content advisory on your blog.
I used poo poo words, so I didn't want anybody who does not have hair in strange places or bleeds monthly to read it.
I agree! I also laughed very hard when I saw the adult content! Only you would have that!
Oh, that is not judgment from Ali...you will feel the judgment in your bones when Ali judges!
True dat sister True dat
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