It's a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

In the wise words of Mr. Jimmy Buffett, "It's a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. At some point last night I got drunk and engaged in my normal hooliganism. It was a friend's birthday, so it was a good reason to rally my old ass. I'm not a religious man, but I do have pretty strict morals that I live by. However, these morals are my personal morals and I do not give a fuck if other people agree or disagree with them unless they somehow directly effect my life. So Proposition 8 is a big deal in Utah even though it is California legislature. Who the hell cares if same sex people get married? Supporters of Prop 8 claim that they do not want to take any rights away from homosexual couples, but they just want to protect the sanctity of marriage. I'm not sure about you, but I never voted on the legality of marriage between a man and a woman. The whole notion of heterosexual marriage could possibly make me nauseous. Religious zealots are like Sunday vampires, somebody should put a Prop 8 campaign sign stake in their chest. Oh yeah, talking about sheltered and naive sons of bitches, my coworker thought rum and cokes were rum and cocaine.


Vala November 10, 2008 at 10:41 AM  

I agree whole-heartedly! These people have their bigot pants on.

Jessi November 12, 2008 at 8:26 PM  

More blogs! What else do you have to do, besides watch Discovery Channel!