Comfortably Numb

>> Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My brain is mush and I have been having trouble sleeping, one could say that I've become Comfortably Numb. Pink Floyd is quite soothing however. Come on, now. I hear you're feeling down. Well I can ease your pain, Get you on your feet again. This is a pretty damn fine song, but most definitely not the feel good song of the year. We all get into our ruts and one option is to drown your feelings with booze and drugs. I've been there done that. In my advanced age I've learned that being apathetic isn't always the way to go. My heart is still a cold dark place where dreams go to die, but I don't think I have to force the emotions out as much nowadays. The burning cauldron of hate is still there, but now I think there are rainbows and unicorns and homos and heteros dancing in harmony.