The Lord's House

>> Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am a virgin blogger. It feels kind of awkward like when you have carnal relations with a chicken for the first time. I will rehash my last few weeks. I performed my best friend's wedding. I pretty much kicked ass in the lord's house. Rev Nghia threw down some funky ass shit for shizzle. After a lil drinkie drinkie at the reception I broke out the Hasidic Jew outfit. Nothing says dignity and respect like a Jew nose, top hat and bling bling necklace. After the reception I went to my other best friend's birthday/Halloween party in my Jew outfit. I got drunk, the end. Oh yeah, pretend I wrote this blog on the 19th of October.


Kelli Harris Photography November 1, 2008 at 2:16 PM  

There are many phrases that I never thought I would see together. Such as, "carnal relations with a chicken" or "kicked ass in the lord's house." It might be safer to pretend I never read this. Ha ha....

Jessi November 1, 2008 at 7:26 PM  

I want more blog!

And you were a beautiful preacher man!