Fuck it, I'm at Buffett

>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Back into your Delorean my fateful readers. Type in Oct 29th 2008 @ 10:47AM. I wake up after my lovely binge drinking and power walking night. I'm starving and put on my party pants to get ready for some wholesome Jimmy Buffett partying. I fill up a lovely Styrofoam cooler with beer and vodka. We proceed to bong some beers like the children of God that we are. "The Man" hassles me saying that I have to leave because the cooler because the vodka bottle is glass. I stash the cooler under an unused black jack table and return to the preparty. I'm just having some good clean fun when some heathens put dollar bills in my trousers to use my beer bong. Of course "The Man" witnesses this and accuses me of not only reselling alcohol, but also selling alcohol to underagers. For the 2nd time within an hour I am asked to leave, but this time they threaten to arrest me for trespassing if I come back. Of course I come back all incognito. By incognito, I mean I carried my hat and put on a shirt. I partied for a few hours without any trouble, but then I ended up on stage beer bonging and as I am leaving the stage, "The Man" is waiting for me. They threaten to arrest me, but I choose my guile, cunning and charm to convince them to just escort me off the premises and to promise not to return. Luckily it was almost time for the concert so I wondered down to the MGM. I drank some more on the way there. Snuck down to the floor with my friend Gretano and drank a smidgen there. Saw myself on the JumboTron and after the show we staggered to the Hooters pool for a lil more fun. Woke up Sunday morning realizing that I had not eaten anything since Friday at 5pm. I had 3 meals in a 2 hour window to make up for it. Very Healthy I'm sure. The end.


Jessi November 3, 2008 at 9:55 PM  

I am glade there were no incidents with the real police station and/or a wheel chair!