Wine and Government Cheese Party
>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009
As I watched today's inauguration tears were welling up in my eyes. Not! Does the hysteria surrounding have more to do with his race or his ideas? It is sad that any perceived criticism of the man is viewed as racism rearing its ugly head once again. It does not help that the liberal media always focuses on the ignorant critics who make ree dick urous claims such as Obama is a Muslim or a terrorist. Obama makes claims of "reform and change", however, has he laid out how he plans on accomplishing these reforms? His powers of oration are beyond reproach, but where is the substance? He speaks of reaching out to the common man to provide a helping hand, but what does he plan on doing when the helping hand is taken advantaged of and ends up engaging in a "Dutch Rudder"? If you're not aware of this term, it is having someone complete the act of masturbation by pulling up and down on the forearm, while the male holds his own penis. Thanks Jessi for adding that lovely term to my repertoire! It may seem a wee bit too pessimistic, but I think that humans are inherently lazy creatures who will take advantage of handouts. Humans are no different then bears and coyotes who get used to scavenging through trash cans and realize that it is easier to do that then to actually expend the energy to hunt. Why get a minimum wage job when you can sit on your ass and get public assistance in the form of welfare checks, food stamps, or government cheese? I'm tempted to quit my job and throw the world's biggest and baddest Wine and Government Cheese Party!